Sister Overdrive
The Shape of Failures Past

Athens based Yannis Kotsonis, better known as Sister Overdive, returns with a limited edition of 100 copies following his releases at Organised Music from Thessaloniki and Somehow Ecstatic Records. Kotsonis explores the techniques of audio collage in order to create his own universe of crooked pscychedelia. Carefully picking and processing fragments from old vinyl records, discarded tapes and miscellaneous field recordings, Kotsonis produces an AM radio scanning adventure where a noisy thriftstore aesthetic blends with free-form improvisation, concrete echoes and broken dance forms.
About — Sister Overdive
Très bon travail de ce que l'on pourrait appeler de la pop concrète et glitch peut-être.
Clips of borrowed music (shredded guitar picking, warm bubbles of old synthesiser, orchestras twisted in Mobius strips) enter as reflexes gasps and the moans of sleep, chattering between themselves like caffeine-addled café conversations in dizzying overlap; everything is sudden and thick, albeit frayed and wonderfully asymmetrical.
MIC — (GR)
…σύγχρονη, εργαστηριακή επαναπροσέγγιση της musique concrete. Πρόκειται για ένα βιομηχανικό νουάρ. Μια κατάργηση. Μια ασάφεια. Μια ηθελημένη στρέβλωση. Που επιθυμεί τόσο πολύ πίσω απ' αυτές τις σκηνοθεσίες να μην είναι μουσική, που στο τέλος γίνεται τέτοια και μάλιστα αρκετά αναθεωρητική.